Hello there! Round 4- Vagabond tournment
So, Week 4 blog. I am 1/2. Lost two, won 1. Now, I am writing this late. I did not quite know how to write this week. I will admit I look at this game with foresight and must admit, I am annoyed by this game. In summary I got highly shafted by the dice. With it being 8am when I played this game, I actually came away from the game annoyed. Not at my opponent, who looking back also had terrible dice rolls, but for the first time ever- I got annoyed with the dice. Normally my dice rolls are abysmal, I admit this, I never roll well. This game however, it just felt like the odds were stacked against me. So, I have been putting this off. I want to make this clear. I am not trying to make excuses. I have mulled over this game the entire week and I would not change anything for the world, my plan for the game was fine. Fly in a square and use my list’s ability to help each other. Now, my notes are scattered and awful. A mixture of sleepiness, an ability to forget to take photos and n...